Full Stack Dev . 3D Artist . Game Dev . UI/UX Designer
I have created multiple products that people use on a day-to-day basis, such as Paratime.app, a VSCode extension that allows you to see how many hours your friends have coded compared to you, making programming social and fun. Thousand of people user paratime on a daily on a daily basis.

Recently, I developed CottonChat.com, which is a debate platform.

Here I some of my main personal projects, I didn't just create them for my portfolio, I created them because I needed them
A VsCode extension that turns programming into a social game.
Basically you install the VsCode extension and then you can see how many hours your friends have clocked vs how many hours you have clocked and on what project.
VsCode API, Node.js, Express, React, MongoDB
A debate platform
You share an opinion, idea, or question, it becomes a discussion. Each discussion can have multiple private chat rooms, and each chat room can have up to five members. Smaller groups foster deeper discussions. In a chat room, members privately debate their ideas. At the end of the discussion, each member submits a conclusion, which is then made public, and votes are cast on the conclusions.
Node.js, Express, React, MongoDB, MaterialUI
Blogging helps me think and learn new things. It is always a joy.
Understand Indexing in MongoDB
The idea of indexing in MongoDB is similar to the index of any book, They increase the speed of finding a page
Understanding NGNIX
NGNIX (pronounced Engine X) is a web server /reverse proxy/load balancer used by many high traffic applications
Deploy Node.js on ubuntu with GIT
Short and fast notes for setting up a serve
How Does SSL Work?
What is TLS security? Digital certificates, Asymmetric Encryption, SSL vs TLS Explained
All the things failure taught me.
People around you are going to give you good reasons to do the wrong thing, thinking in terms of consequences, can provide a safe judgment
Github CheatSheet
A simple guide that provides a concise overview of crucial Git operations, including managing branches...
Integration Simplified
Integration is just formulas of area of the graph for different curves. which people found by different methods curated under one name
Neural Networks (a simple explanation)
Neural networks are all about finding a pattern or in other words weights are the patterns..
My Skills
I have been freelancing for more than 5 years, this have given me the opportunity to work with a lot of different technologies and teams.
Get in touch
You can start with a Hi, who knows, maybe we will make something interesting together.
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